The Wealthy
Editor's Sidenote: I have been struggling with ideas on how I wanted to present this blog posting. Originally, I wanted to do this one on the city of Dubai in the Arab Emirates, then I thought doing it about rich people would be better, and now I think I'll combine elements from both ideas into this blog. Ok, here goes...
Ahh, isn't it great to be rich? I mean I wouldn't know because I'm not but the people of Dubai would. I mean this city has has many of the world's oil fields, and many wealthy people go here to live. Apparently all the other rich people hangouts are now passe; they need another one to show why they're better than the rest of us poor people.
Car companies for years now have perpetuated the notion that it's not enough that only wealthy people should have luxury, they now say that they should be also be safer too because they can afford the more expensive status symbols; apparently the poor and otherwise not-so-wealthy are expendable, and rich people are irreplaceable.
Now T.I. has a song with Rihanna called "Live Your Life", where he tells the listener to be satisfied with their life, because nobody's life is perfect. It's funny how you always hear things like that from folks when they're rich; would he still be saying that if he were poor (by comparison) like the bottom 99% of Americans, though?
As if that wasn't enough, the wealthy constantly invent new ways to express to us that they're important and that we aren't even though in many cases, us poor folks were responsible for them becoming wealthy in the first place. With that said, allow me to show you 2 new ways the rich have found to show off their wealth.
Having a big, fancy mansion isn't "ballerific" enough any more; this is but one more way the rich and truly important are living now:
Exhibit A:
The newer, cooler way to show off your wealth!
A man-made island off the coast of Dubai called Palm Island. Last night, I was watching (until I grew too disgusted to continue) these builders literally make this island using gravel and sand. Anyway, the project took about 6 years to complete and several billion tons of sand and rock, some rocks weighing as much as 4 tons. That's right people, rich people are building more elaborate, more silly ways to say "Ha ha! I'm richer than you!" Isn't that delightful???
What better way to show off your status than to have developers steal sand and rocks from the mainland to satisfy your vanity! What a novel idea! One of the developers involved with this monstrosity said that it would put Dubai on the map! Ok, one of the richest places on this planet needs something like this to put them on the map! Lol.... big time! By comparison, this is how you probably live:
Exhibit B:
But wait! It gets better! Dubai has now decided that Palm Island wasn't enough (isn't that just like the rich?) and have designed another abomination they call The World. This is an archipelago in which each individual continent is made up of a series of smaller islands about 300 feet apart and has been estimated to cost about 14 billion dollars to construct, with each island said to cost 250 million dollars each to own! This is what it looks like:
Exhibit C:
Wait, wait! Who's going to live in Antarctica?!
Isn't it nice to know even the rich have a sense of humor, even though it's at the expense of the have-nots? There's nothing wrong with having money to be sure, but come on! Are you fuckin' serious?! People all over the world are starving to death tonight and the rich keep doing asinine things like this with their collective fortunes instead of giving back some! Best...waste of money....ever!!
Labels: ballerific, dubai, rich