Women With Breast(s) Tattoos
Not that I have a problem with this in any way, it's the behavior of these As summer draws to a close, there's one thing I'm sorry to say I'll see less of: breasts. I'm a guy, what do you want? Anyway, throughout most of the summer, there is another thing I also have come to realize that I have something of a fetish for, and that would be a tattooed tit. But for reasons I can't understand, their owners want the artwork to be visible, but at the same time, you're not supposed to look at them.
Exhibit A:
"Look, I got me a tattoo! Right above my right breast! Look at me express my individuality! *Gasp!* Don't look at my titties, you perv!"
Confused yet? Yeah, me too. My logic works like this: why would you put a tattoo, a piece of "art" that's meant for people to see, on a body part that isn't usually exposed anyway, if you didn't want me to look at it? But then I realize, many people don't use logic, just emotions, and you can't argue emotions against common sense; good ol' common sense will lose every time.
Don't try telling me something stupid like your cat walked in some ink and then walked in strategic placed steps on your boobature; it won't fly...
Exhibit B:
"My cat walked on my tits, and now I can't get these mud prints off... Stop looking at it, you freak!"
Why must I torture myself so, trying to understand why women do this? Do they not think things through before doing them? I understand if you decide you don't like all this unwanted attention, but then, you decide to place the aforementioned, well, I call them "tittoos" in a low-cut blouse or shirt, then you get mad at me for glancing at them! Are you trying to drive me crazy?!
Exhibit C:
"Hi everyone, my name is Cheryl, my tits would also like to say hi!"
Apparently Cheryl, as her right tittooed tit suggest is her name, is having a hard time breathing, and also bursting out her top, but don't glance or mention it or she may give you a tattoo over your eye with it! You mean the pervert drawing on your tits can see (as well as feel, sqeeze, and otherwise front like he's trying to create art) them, but I can't? I forgot, his whole purpose is creating a masterpiece, using your boob fat as his canvas, and he has no other motivation! Yeah that must be it!
Labels: tittoo
lol this speaks truth! I'm glad I don't have a tattoo on mine..not messin with perfection!
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