The Confederate Flag
For reasons that should be obvious, the Confederate Flag induces varying negative responses within me from mild irritation to outrage to causing me to contemplate stabbing its supporter/wearer. It's maddening because even though these people say it's only about "southern pride" (which they never explain what that is when asked), you'll see this flag flying high at every Klan rally and ever white supremacist gathering.
According to pretty much every history text book anywhere, the South not only lost, but got their collective asses handed to them as well. But don't mention things like facts and logic to these folks; it's all about "pride", pride in being a loser. In most competitions, including history, the losers are never mentioned again; just the winners. Who knows? it could be just that only the winners get to write history or something, but whatever...
Exhibit A:
This is what denial can lead to...
Usually hillbillies, rednecks and racists in general, those who use the southern pride excuse vote Republican, a well-known enemy of blacks and other non-whites. Even though they're not racists and believe in God and the Constitution (all men are created equal and endowed with certain rights by their Creator), they view anybody non-white as inferior and as animals; again, forget about arguing logic and reason with them, despite the fact that as "animals", black as well as other non-white people should not be able to talk like white people can, and never mind the fact that typical southern whites don't have a command of the English language.
Exhibit B:
What those who support the rebel flag say it means...
Exhibit C:
What black people know it to really mean...
A while back, while being forced to drive to a gas station in McRacistTown (Beaverdam, VA), I saw a bumper sticker that said something to the effect of "I'll keep my guns and you can keep the CHANGE", an obvious shot at our first BLACK president. As you might expect, the mud encased truck that this hateful sticker was found on had a confederate flag on it as well as a camouflage paint job, big body lift, extra large tires and dual exhaust.
Exhibit D:
Yeah, the truck looked something like this...
I've long since given up listening to the southern pride's point of view, as I hate having the smell of lies and beer breath blown into my face. I don't listen to those who say Mr. President will take away their guns. It's in the Constitution (the right to bear arms); even if he had that much power, I don't think Barack Obama would change anything about it, since this country was founded on its principles. Damn! There's that damn pesky logic again!
According to pretty much every history text book anywhere, the South not only lost, but got their collective asses handed to them as well. But don't mention things like facts and logic to these folks; it's all about "pride", pride in being a loser. In most competitions, including history, the losers are never mentioned again; just the winners. Who knows? it could be just that only the winners get to write history or something, but whatever...
Exhibit A:
This is what denial can lead to...
Usually hillbillies, rednecks and racists in general, those who use the southern pride excuse vote Republican, a well-known enemy of blacks and other non-whites. Even though they're not racists and believe in God and the Constitution (all men are created equal and endowed with certain rights by their Creator), they view anybody non-white as inferior and as animals; again, forget about arguing logic and reason with them, despite the fact that as "animals", black as well as other non-white people should not be able to talk like white people can, and never mind the fact that typical southern whites don't have a command of the English language.
Exhibit B:
What those who support the rebel flag say it means...
Exhibit C:
What black people know it to really mean...
A while back, while being forced to drive to a gas station in McRacistTown (Beaverdam, VA), I saw a bumper sticker that said something to the effect of "I'll keep my guns and you can keep the CHANGE", an obvious shot at our first BLACK president. As you might expect, the mud encased truck that this hateful sticker was found on had a confederate flag on it as well as a camouflage paint job, big body lift, extra large tires and dual exhaust.
Exhibit D:
Yeah, the truck looked something like this...
I've long since given up listening to the southern pride's point of view, as I hate having the smell of lies and beer breath blown into my face. I don't listen to those who say Mr. President will take away their guns. It's in the Constitution (the right to bear arms); even if he had that much power, I don't think Barack Obama would change anything about it, since this country was founded on its principles. Damn! There's that damn pesky logic again!
Labels: confederate, racist, redneck, republican
Southern Pride !
My definition, Honoring ones ancestors for defending their home state against an Invading army
That had overwhelming numbers and resources.
The Stars and stripes flew over the right to own slaves for 88 years, as well as the massacre
Of Native Americans
The interment of loyal Japanese Americans during WWII
As well as the Annexation (invasion) of Hawaii
Pride in being a loser ! Well it took the north 4 years to go 90 miles to Richmond.
4 union generals resigned or were replaced. Yep I can have pride in that.
I don’t drink beer ! I do fly the flag ! And if anyone is in a hurry to meet Jesus try to take it down !!
I don't recall saying you drank beer...
" I hate having the smell of lies and beer breath blown into my face".
You indicated it.
Lincoln was a Republican.
The anti-desegregationists in the 50s & 60s were Democrats. (Anyone remember the Dixie-crats?)
First off you are in need of a history lesson. Id rather be historically acurate than politically correct. The simple fact that the flying of the Confederate Battle Flag by anyone offends you to the point of mild irritation to outrage and wanting to stab its bearer, offends me. The flying of the Confederate Battle Flag is more about Heritage than hate, it is about pride in being of southern birth or ancestry. What it is NOT is the symbol of the White Knights of the Klu Klux Klan or any other subversive hate organization.
While these organizations do try to annex themselves to the image of the Confederate Battle Flag, it is like an islamic extremist or terrorist saying they speak for all muslims. It just doesnt hold water.
You are correct in the Confederacy did lose the War for Southern Independence. And that is what it was for the Southern states, not about slavery or the right to keep them. Most southerners didnt even own slaves. They could have cared less if the upper class who had them got to keep them or not. For the average, middle class or even poor southerner, it was about an invasion of their country by an aggressor force (The Union). It was about ideals such as Duty, Honor, Country. The men in gray upheld those ideals as well as any soldier in blue did. They fought many of the Civil Wars battles to either a stand still or victory. It was only because of waning support back home and lack of both men, material, and financial support as well as a industrial base that the south was forced to capitulate. The men of the CSA fought with much valor and honor (You dont read of any atrocities committed by southern soldiers in their incursions into the Union at any time during the Civil War, but we sure read volumes of the rape of the south by General Sherman clear down to the burning to the ground of Atlanta or the atrocious conditions and treatment heaped upon Confederate prisoners of war in the camps, that is fact and it is of record).
I am the descendant of at least 8 Confederate Soldiers, I also the descendant of at least 3 Union soldiers. All served and fought with valor and honor.
I honor all my ancestors, Union and Confederate. I ask you this....If someone were to be putting down the good name and reputation of your deceased father or mother would you let them? Then why on Gods green earth do southerners get put down for defending the honor of their women, their society, their heritage, and their deceased ancestors. Its simple...the victors get to write history. When we step farther away from a historical event usually the events become clearer as time marches on. That is not the case with the War for Southern Independence. Facts recently have tried to be re-written to satisfy the belief that the south were losers and cant accept that. To the contrary, we southerners understand who was the victor in the war. I served this nation for over 23 years in the United States Marine Corps, in combat. I still salute the American Flag and say the Pledge of Allegiance to it. I know where my loyalties lie. But, I am of southern heritage, from the Commonwealth of Virginia and the great state of Mississippi. My heritage of southern pride was as much a part of my uniform as was the American Flag. I will let no one besmearch its image nor will I let anyone tell lies or mistruths about my Confederate ancestors who brought dignity and honor to the forefront. Lets tell what happened in the American Civil War, but lets tell the truth, the real truth, not the truth slanted in favor of the victor and punishing the vanquished.
Right on brother!
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