Light Skinned People
Editor’s Warning – Before I get started, I should mention that the following blog posting involves my own internal and external experiences, meaning that it’s either happened to me personally, or I’ve seen it exist elsewhere outside of myself. That said, many of my friends and relatives are light skinned and we get along just fine and will continue to get drunk together for many years to come. I should also mention that I do not mean all light skinned folks, but many, so do keep your hate mail off to the side and don’t hit “send” until you’ve read the whole thing. I thank you for your time. Let us begin…
What is it with these pigment-challenged folks who act like they have gold glitter on their asses because they’re light-skinned? They have this misguided mindset that somehow they’re better than “regular”, burnt, blue-black folks, affectionately known as “darkies”. I don’t know how exactly, but I have a sneaky suspicion that the media, who often casts “light-bright-and-almost-white” in roles and positions they would never give to us of a darker skin tone, has a lot to do with it. Why? I’m not quite sure, but here’s my working theory, but first:
Exhibit A:
“I’m light-skinned, which makes me by default. Even my cleavage is hot! Look at it! Don't look at it , you pervert!”
It would seem that white people fear us walking oil slicks, so they attempt to make us hate our skin tone and praise the almighty light skinned person (usually a female), and force their ideals of beauty on us. It’s infiltrated the internet, showing up on all the social networking websites. Here’s how it usually plays out. You see a name, something along the lines of “LyteSkinEnV”, so you think almost instinctively as a guy “oh boy, she must be hot!”, because society has conditioned you to think she’s superior to other more melanin blessed women, and click on the link.
When you get to the personal page, the first thing you’ll usually see is that nothing of real importance is ever mentioned, other than something about "fuck the haters” or something like that, after mentioning the fact that she's light skinned. You don’t say… My bad, I guess I was supposed to get up out of my chair, fall on my face, and worship the ground you walk on just because your parents had the jungle fever. I didn’t read that part of the script. My bad…
Exhibit B:
“I’m finer than duck butter and the best thing about being light skinned is that I can pass for whatever race is more popular at the time. Yay! Racial ambiguity!”
Additional Information – Light skinned females who act this way are like that because they never had a reason to develop a true personality because of their looks. They’ve been told since the womb (via the media, family, total strangers, etc.) that their looks alone will get them everything they want. They’ve been handed pretty much everything in life (friends, jobs, material items, legal advice, etc.) for free because of their looks. While the average female has to work for everything she gets, always having to do more than the next chick, including developing a personality of substance in order to move her way up the socioeconomic ladder, a light skinned female’s physical attributes are most likely her only tool for prosperity. Keep this in mind the next time any light skinned female acts like you have to pay a requisite amount of money just to look at her, she may be cute, but is probably about as smart as a dust bunny.
Light skinned men have long been characterized as sneaky, underhanded players with cash, the sweet-ass ride, and the “good hair”. WTF is the good hair anyway? You mean white people hair? Because of this, they walk around here, like they’re a big shot, perpetrating like they’re God’s gift to women. (Yellow) Negro, please!
When did the light skinned man come back in style anyway? I don’t believe the light skinned female ever went out of style completely; me personally, I love all the flavors black women come in, but whatever, I fucking need a beer or some kind of therapy…
Labels: darkies, lightskinned
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